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Top 5 Food Trends 2019

For the past couple months I have been seeing posts, reading articles and scrolling through pages of published works online about what everyone is thinking the new food trends will be for 2019. I love this time of year when we are all thinking healthfully and trying to figure out how to improve our minds, bodies and souls in the year ahead. The possibilities are endless and the gyms are packed! With all of that said, this year’s food trends seem to be “on trend” with just that sort of thinking. I am all for a healthier life style and I am all for getting back to eating “real” food. I am a chef, that is what I do, that is what I love to do… cook, real food. Yet, at the same time, I want to make sure I am being realistic with my goals for the upcoming year and I want to follow and get on board with food trends that can realistically be obtained by my whole family.

So, after all of that, I will get to my top 5 food trends in just a moment. I first wanted to give a nod to a few that did not make my list. I wanted to quickly mention these for you all to keep a look out for and they may work better in your lifestyle and/or with your families. I think they are interesting and great new products, just not my top 5 favorites that I believe my whole family can dive into.

This upcoming year we can expecting to see a lot more seed butters than nut butters. Move over almond butter and say hello to tahini and jelly! That’s right, be on the look out in your sandwich spread isle for Tahini, Pumpkin seed butter, sunflower seed butter, Hemp seed butter and even Watermelon seed butter. Yep, Watermelon seed butter! Don’t get too weirded out by that last one, it is actually just like a lighter tahini. I actually started by daughter on Sunbutter,(Sunflower seed butter) since they cannot have peanuts at that young of an age and she loves it.

You will be seeing cbd oil popping up in a lot more products this year. If you’re not that familiar with cbd oil, the best way I explain it is that it is derived from the cannabis plant, but it is not psychoactive,(will not make you high). Cbd has fast grown in popularity for its ability to assist with many common health and pain issues from epilepsy to anxiety to arthritis. This year you can expect to see it in a lot more food items from granola bars to your favorite Kombucha drink and even cocktails.

Last quick nod to the following two items that you can be on the look out for this year. Check out orange wine, that’s right, orange wine. It is made from white grapes with the skin and seeds left on. Wine makers have been enjoying it for years and it is now growing in popularity beyond the insiders circle. Enjoy! Lastly, make sure you seek out the latest in desserts… dessert hummus! What??? Did I really just say that? I love hummus, I love dessert, but I would not have thought to have combined those two things, but others have and they are yummy and gaining followers fast. Target has a Brownie batter flavored hummus that is so delicious with fresh strawberries!!!

Ok, after all of that, here we go. Here is the Happy Chef Mama top 5 list for 2019 food trends. All of these are trends that my family and I can get behind and really sustain for the entire year. They are kid and adult friendly and all really great ways to enjoy a little healthier lifestyle.

Shelf Stable Probiotics

Up until this year you mainly could only find probiotics in the supplement and dairy sections of your grocery store. Coming up in 2019 you will begin seeing them popping up in a ton more places throughout the store. Check in the granola bar isle, the snack isle and even the cereal isle. Probiotics are great for adults and kids alike and they help promote good digestion. What is not to love about probiotics? Now you can enjoy them in many more ways.

Faux Meat Snacks

With all of the high protein diets and trends out there, these snacks are a great way to pack more protein in and not have to always have nuts or the animal fats. Not to mention with the rise of vegans and vegetarians, these snacks are a great option. Look for many more veggie jerky and faux bacon snacks in your grocery isles.

Add Sugars to be Called Out

This one I am really excited about. Especially because I keep my daughter on a very limited added sugar diet. She really only eats sugar from natural sources such as fruits, veggies, all natural and/or fresh squeezed juices, etc. So, I am really excited to tell you all that by the year 2020, it will be mandatory for food companies to list any “added” sugars on the nutrition labels under the regular sugar section. So, the label will still read sugars and the number and then under that it will stated added sugars and have that number. You may have seen this on a few products already. I love this because added sugar is in some products you wouldn’t even realize and now you can know for sure.

Healthy Bread Options

Yes, that’s right, I said bread!! Yes, I am talking about upcoming trends and saying bread in the same sentence. For the past few years now breads have NOT been trending as everyone trying to lead a healthier lifestyle or having to lead a celiac lifestyle cannot indulge in much bread. Yet, it is making a come back and a strong one at that. The turned here though is not just bread, but healthier options to this delicious favorite in our house. A lot more people are baking their own bread at home to control what goes into it. As well as enjoying more breads like sourdoughs, that have a fermented started which make them easier to digest and higher in nutritional value.

New Frozen Treats

Last but not least, we come to the one I know my kids, husband and I will all enjoy the most… Ice Cream!!! These not just any ice cream or Popsicles though. I am talking about amazing new flavors made with wholesome, unexpected flavors. I am talking about avocado ice cream, hummus popsicles, and mixed berry mascarpone gelato. The whole family will flip for these new yummy treats and you can happily let them enjoy because they are made with fresh ingredients, less sugar and much better for you. If you make them yourself you can feel even better as you can control the amount of sugar.

[lt_recipe name=”Avocado Ice Cream” summary=”That is right, you read that correctly… avocado ice cream! This year you will be seeing unusual flavors of ice cream. Avocado and hummus just to name a few” print=”yes” ingredients=”3 medium avocados;1 tablespoon lemon juice;1 1/2 cups whole milk;1/2 cup sugar;1 cup heavy cream;” ]Halve the avocados, remove pits and use a large spoon to scoop out the flesh.;;Place avocado, lemon juice, milk and sugar in a blender carafe and puree until smooth;;Reduce blender speed to low and slowly add the cream ;;Chill the mixture in an air-tight container for about 4 to 6 hours;;Process the mixture in an ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s directions. This mixture sets up very fast, so count on it only 5 to 10 minutes to process to soft-serve consistency;;Serve immediately or harden in freezer for 3 to 4 hours for a firmer texture.;[/lt_recipe]

I hope you enjoy these food trends this year and let me know some foods you are looking to try this year!! Happy healthy cooking!