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Birthday Dinner for all

January 22, 2019/

My mom wanted to take my husband and I out for our birthdays. Our birthdays are 13 days apart and we enjoy celebrating them together. We wanted to go somewhere that we hadn’t been before. We had been hearing really great things about this place in Roselle…

Pizza with a friend

July 6, 2018/

I am lucky that I get to get out at least once a month or so with my oldest and deerest friend. Sometimes we do it up really nice and other times we just want some of our old favorites that we absolutely love. Well, last week…

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About Me

I am Chef Steph, aka The Happy Chef Mama. I am a pofessional chef and mama of three littles. I am a recipe creator, executive chef, busy mama, full of energy lady! I love to share my recipes, pro chef tips, kiddos and life with you here on my corner of the web.

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Email: happychefmama@gmail.com

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