S’mores Bites
It’s summer, it’s camping season- whether that means in the great outdoors or in the great backyard or even in the great living room!! Camping and Summer are in full swing! Which means, S’mores are all the rage!! What is not to love about a S’more? Grahams–good! Melty Marshmallow–good! Gooey chocolate–good!!! Now, there is of course the original good, ole’ fashion S’more where you take a graham cracker, toast or burn a marshmallow and top that with a square of Hershey’s chocolate and another graham cracker. These are the classic for a reason and they are amazing just as they are.
Yet, they are not always large group friendly or if you don’t have access to or the ability to make a fire, you’re kind of SOL on that classic S’more. Yes, you can always make it in the microwave or on the stove top, but that is just not the same. So, what to do if you want all those classic flavors and/or you want to have S’mores at your kids party or your grown up “kids” party!! You make S’mores bites. They are easy, great for a large group or a party of one! They have all the flavors of a classic S’more and they will disappear right before your eyes. They are so good and a perfect Summer dessert. Here is the recipe, you may need to make extra for you and the kiddos to snack on while you’re making them. Otherwise your guests may not get any!!

S'Mores Bites
- 1 package semi sweet chocolate chips
- 1 package regular sized marshmallows
- 1 sleeve graham crackers crushed
- In a double boiler or using a microwave safe bowl, melt down the chocolate chips. Stick the marshmallows onto a toothpick or a lollipop stick and dip them 3/4 of the way into the melted chocolate chips.
- After you dip them it is OK if they dip down a little, this gives a nice look. Dip the tops or dust the tops with the graham cracker crumbs. Either let cool standing up if you have somewhere to hold the stick up or you can lay flat on parchment paper.
- Remove the sticks from the S'mores bites and serve on a platter of you can leave the sticks in and serve as lollipop bites.
Chef’s Tip-I like to crush my graham crackers in the food processor and then sift out any big chunks left. This helps give you a nice dust of graham versus a big chunky piece. You will get a really nice finished product.