Here are all of the recipes you will find on Happy chef mama. If you are looking for a “how to make” of a certain dish, please ask me and I am sure I have either made it before or have an awesome recipe for it. With over 15 years of professional experience in the kitchen and more than half of that in catering, I have done almost every cuisine there is. And if I have not personally made it, I have probably worked with a chef that has made it or know an awesome home cook with a great recipe. So, what I am saying is… there are not too many things I would say, hmm… I am not sure how to do that. But I love a challenge and so I cannot wait to hear what I need to learn next. But I also love passing along my knowledge, so please ask me for what you want to see recipes of and I am happy to post them!
I hope you find some amazing new recipes in here and I hope you keep asking me for new ones! I look forward to hearing from you all!