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    Sticky Crunchy Asian Style Wings

    You all know I am a huge fan of chicken wings. Really any kind of wings. I like bone-in, boneless, spicy, honey glazed, bbq’d and especially these Asian style sticky, crunchy wings. These are the perfect wings for game day. Especially if you are having people over. Everyone will be making hot wings, spicy wings, buffalo wings… this will be a very welcome version of chicken wings.   How do you get this wing so crunchy? The crunch on this wing is amazing. Now I am about to completely blow your mind. These wings are baked, yep… baked!! Is your mind blown? LOL… I did not think they would get this crunchy in…

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    The Best Cutting Boards

    I am very picky about my cutting boards that I purchase not only for home, but also the ones that we bought for classes that I teach to the public. Cutting boards are one of those things that are not only for show. They have true purpose in the kitchen.   Cutting boards not only work as a barrier from what you are cutting to the counter, but they also keep things sanitary, if you have the correct board. If you have a board that you will not make cut marks in, (food gets trapped in those little marks… gross!). Is your board able to be washed in the dishwasher? Not only is…

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    Chef’s Knife

    Every craftsman or tradesman (or woman) has specific tools that they cannot work without. For a chef, it is a knife, not just any knife. Their chef knife. One that feels like an extension of their hand. The one that they feel very comfortable with day in and day out. One that feels like it fits them like a glove. It is a very personal choice, and it is a very important one.   I always tell people when choosing a chef’s knife, you have to hold it. You have to get the feel of it to see if the weight is good, if the angle is good. You have to test it…

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    Chicken Spiedini

    Don’t you love dishes that sound difficult and complex but are really simple and easy to make? I do, I do!! This is one of those dishes. I mean if you tell people you are making chicken spiedini, they are like, wow, what’s that? Then you make it and it is ridiculously easy, but packs a huge punch of flavor! Amazing!! What is Chicken Spiedini? In Italian Spiedini means skewers. So essentially these are fancy chicken skewers. Yet, doesn’t it sound so much better to say spiedini? LOL Classically, chicken spiedini is lightly breaded and then skewered and grilled. In the version I am giving you today, I have lightened it up a…

  • Desserts,  Recipes

    Chocolate Fudge Frosting

    This is the perfect frosting for chocolate chip cupcakes, any vanilla cake or any chocolate cake or cupcake. It is thick, rich and fudgy. It is rich and chocolatey, but it is still whipped light. This way you can eat it by the bucket full and not be like, ugh, it’s too rich! LOL   The keys to making the perfect chocolate fudge frosting First, always start with softened butter. This will give you a nice even mix and make your frosting creamier and more luscious. Next, make sure you sift your ingredients. The powdered sugar and the cocoa powder can tend to clump on you. If you sift them, you will lightly…

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    Cannoli Cupcakes

    When I owned my cupcake shop about 10 plus years ago, these were not only our biggest seller. They were the cupcake I built the business around. I knew I wanted an Italian cupcake shop name so that it would make sense to sell my Italian cupcakes! LOL I made so many cannoli cupcakes in my shop that I could literally make them in my sleep. Here are some I recently did for a friend’s baby shower. I have slightly updated the decor of the cupcake. Although, I don’t know. There is something about the Chicago-stlye neon green greens that go on the top that may be missing! HAHA… or maybe not!  …

  • Blog Posts,  Dinner Time Made Easy,  Entertaining Tips and Tricks,  Recipes,  Salads,  Side Dishes

    Farro Salad

    This salad is light, delicious and perfect as a side dish or light lunch. It accompanies heavier dishes like steaks and chops as well as a light piece of grilled chicken. You can also make this for lunch and have a satisfying and delightful day! What is Farro? Farro is actually not only one ancient grain, yet three. We mostly see it used in Italian cooking. In Italian Farro means, “ancient wheat grain”.  It has been around for so many years and like so many other things are really making a comeback. People are realizing that it has a beautiful depth of flavor and can go with so many different flavor combinations. In…

  • Blog Posts,  Dinner Time Made Easy,  Happy Little Chefs,  Main Dishes,  Recipes

    Creamy Pasta Alfredo with Broccoli

    I seriously dream about this pasta. Do you ever daydream about food? Or sit at work and crave what you are going to have for dinner that night. Well, this is one of those dishes. It is creamy, yet light and it satisfies every craving, want and desire I could have for a dinner. It also really helps that it is quick and easy to make a mom-win with getting the kiddos to eat broccoli! Like they wolf it down! Seriously. How to get a light Alfredo sauce This is the thing that can make or bring your alfredo sauce. Have you ever had a gloppy, thick, way too heavy alfredo sauce? It…

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    Summer corn and basil arancini

    I really love arancini and this twist on the original is completely addicting. The fresh basil pesto aioli may be even more addicting. It would also be great on a sandwich or even a flatbread. The best part about these arancini is that they are made with leftover risotto. This makes a great transformation the next day that the whole family will not mind eating over and over again. Chef’s Tip To make a really great arancini make sure that your risotto is really cold. Work slightly quickly so that it does not start sticking to your fingers. Make sure that you completely cover the mozzarella otherwise it will leak out when you…

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    Sweet Corn and Basil Risotto

    This is the epitome of Summer in a bowl. If you are like me and cannot get enough of that sweet summer corn, but want more ways to enjoy it than just right off the cob. Well, then this recipe is for you. This sweet corn and basil risotto is a wonderful twist on the classic risotto. Instead of finishing with butter, we finish this with some creamy mascarpone cheese. Along with some savory, salty grated Parmesan, of course. Garden fresh basil is the absolute kicker in this delicious dish. What kind of rice is best risotto? You want to make sure that you use a very starchy, short grain rice such as…

About Me

I am Chef Steph, aka The Happy Chef Mama. I am a pofessional chef and mama of three littles. I am a recipe creator, executive chef, busy mama, full of energy lady! I love to share my recipes, pro chef tips, kiddos and life with you here on my corner of the web.

Contact Me
Email: happychefmama@gmail.com

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