Blog Posts,  Happy Little Chefs

Kid’s Printables Are Here!!

I am so excited about these little activities! I use printables so much with my kiddos! I use them for everything for birthday party decor to activities and so much in between.

If your kiddos are anything like mine, when you are cooking or baking with them you lose them the minute the item goes into the oven. They do NOT have the attention span to wait around while it bakes. Then they are playing around, or monkeying around like mine do… while you finish up the baking project!


How can you keep them interested while the cookies bake???

I created these fun little food printables for my girls and they love them. They are different kitchen tools or different cupcakes. I use the first page to cut out the items and then they match them with the items on the second page. YAY!

Not only does it keep them busy while the cookies,(or whatever else) bakes. It also keeps the fun going with you in the kitchen. All while doing something that gets them thinking!


How does it work?

It is super simple, you download the printable from below. Cut out or if they are old enough to use scissors, have them cut out the brightly colored shapes. Then you can laminate them to play again later or just print again when you need them. They they match the shapes to the faded images on the page you didn’t cut out.


Download for Free here!

I have these two printables I created for my girls and if you download them from here they are totally free! This is an offer for my email list only!! If you download them anywhere else they are $3 each. So, you are getting a steal!

Download them today and let me know what you and the kiddos think! Have fun and ENOY!


Match the Cupcakes

Match the Tools