How to come back better and stronger than ever before!?!
Hey all my mama fans, I am back and better than ever! I am so excited to be back here with you all after a small hiatus from my blog and the world sort of!! I apologize about that, I was swamped with the holidays between working and being a mama… it just took over!! It was actually exactly then, while I was taking a small break that I realized, wait… no… this is the work!!! This is my focus, this is my calling, this is my passion and I missed it so much! It was then and in those moments that I knew, not only did I need to come back to my blog, to my passion, to my love of this whole thing, but I needed to come back better, strong, with more of me for all of you out there who are in this all with me!
I am so ready to dive in completely and make this my most amazing achievement yet. That is a tall order though, right? So, how and where do I start with all of that… where do I go from here? How do I make all of this work? I do I create amazing content and recipes that you want to use and share with your friends? How do I create an overall message of us all being in this together? How do I create something that will not only fill me up and make me feel incredible for doing it, but how do I really reach people and really help other mamas out there that are just like me? Where sometimes you feel like you have to just stop what you are passionate about or what you love doing because of work and/or family obligations? How do I help make life easier and more manageable every day for these amazing mamas out there that are trying to “do it all” and make it look and feel effortless???
That is like a million questions that I did not have the answers to at all when I first started questioning. I did not even have to know how to be able to find the answers to be completely honest. I was lost and struggling and trying so hard to figure it out. I think it is so funny when you sort of find yourself going down these rabbit holes sometimes and there are so many moments where you are like, this is impossible, I am never going to figure this out, I am never going to have these answers. If I cannot figure this out, how can I help others figure this out… this is the cycle of life and especially the cycle of motherhood, wouldn’t you say? I mean how many times have you googled the most insane questions at 2am about your kids either being sick or not going to sleep or not wanting to eat and just feeling like, OMG, I am the worst mama, I am never going to figure these things out and then by the time you do, it’s like you can’t even remember that it was a problem because everything is fine now!?! That is my mama life, like on the daily! So, I decided to take a deep breathe, take it one step at a time and let myself get there when I get there and I hopefully won’t even remember the time when I did not know the answers to these questions.
Luckily, it worked!!! I was able to answer most if not all of the questions I had racing through my brain and the most amazing part about all of it, was along with finding all of the answers, I was able to find my calling, my true passions, my path to how I can help my fellow mamas, at least make some part of their crazy busy lives easier. All the while, fulfilling myself, my kiddos, and my lifestyle at the same time. I mean what, have I unlocked some sort of magical key to success here… well, no, because let’s face it, that doesn’t exist. Also, let’s face it, I don’t just magically have it all figured out. I just was finally able to block out all of the noise, get real with myself and what I wanted and move down a path to make it happen.
Ok, now I am sure you are probably going Chef Steph, that is awesome, yayay for you… how does that help me!! Well, here we go… so my commitment to you and all of my Happy Chef Mama followers, fans, readers and kindred spirits is this… I vow to give you the most amazing content I can. I promise to offer tons of family friendly recipes that you can make with and for your kids and families. I vow to keep coming at you consistently with more and more kid friendly, ladies night out, and date night worthy restaurant reviews. I vow to give you incredible entertaining tips and tricks whether it be for the backyard BBQ or the over the top 1st birthday party and everything in between. I promise to create amazing classes that you can come to virtually and in person and work with me on how we can make Dinner Time Easier and more realistic for every mama and family. I am here for you!! I want to help you!! I am going to your own personal chef!! We are in this together and we are going to make this happen together.
I am so looking forward to this next chapter with you all and this incredible journey we are about to embark on together of how we can make at least one part of your mama day easier. Even if you have one kiddo hanging on your leg and the other kiddo wanting to cook with you even though things are way too hot for them up there and they won’t stop screaming until they can help you,(my house every night at around 5:45p), I am going to help you! We can do this together. We are going to ditch the fast food, we are going to forget the frozen food section, we are going to feed our kids and families amazing meals that we have made either with and/or for them that will nourish their tummies and our hearts because we know what they are eating, where it is coming from and that we are laying the ground for good eating habits for them as they grow. I am back, I am better and stronger than ever and I am not going anywhere anymore except into your homes, hearts and tummies to make this happen!
Are you ready….