
Homemade Hot Cocoa Bombs

Ok, so there seems to be a new trend popping up every month. Mainly I believe due to Tik Tok, but also as more and more people are home and cooking a lot more! I think it is great and these are always so fun to try. Some are better than others, but I think that hot cocoa bombs are fun and delish! A little on on the rich side, but yummy chocolaty goodness is never a bad thing in my opinion.

Now, I think that many people would rather purchase an item like this than make it. Just for the sheer fact that chocolate can be tricky, who has the time and they can be found everywhere, even Costco! Yet, these are a super fun thing to make if you are looking to have some kitchen fun with the kiddos. Stay tuned too because I have a hack that makes these super simple!

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Make versus Buy

You are probably think that this is something you definitely just want to buy versus make. Yet, let me tell you, they actually are not that hard to make. Especially if you use this super cool hack that makes them even easier. Plus, the kids will love making these with you and watching them melt after they have put them all together. Lastly, they are quite pricey to purchase. You can get them relatively cheap at Costco, but if you buy the homemade/handmade ones they run about $3-$5/each. I made a whole batch of 12 for $5. Just saying!

Flavor options

The sky is the limit when it comes to flavors of these fun little gems. You can get really creative and I will add more links into this post as I play with more flavors. For now, I just made dark chocolate with white chocolate drizzle and I have some awesome Black Onyx Chocolate Sugar that I had gotten at a Spice shop in Tennessee. SO, I dusted the top with that. You can use regular sugar, sanding sugar, make your own chocolate sugar or cocoa powder instead.

I have also seen cookies and cream flavors, chocolate peanut butter, peppermint and more. Have some fun and make fun flavors that you and your kiddos will love!

I can’t wait to hear what flavors you come up with!

Marshmallows in or out

Now, I keep seeing them made with marshmallows inside and I thought, oh, that’s cute. Wellll… it is cute, but for me it was not great! Two reasons I prefer the marshmallows not inside. First, you cannot do my made easy hack as well with the marshmallows inside. Second, they dissolve really fast when you pour the hot milk over the bombs. I prefer to have them floating around for a little bit.

I put the marshmallows on the bottom of the cup as a bed for the bomb and then poured the milk over and it worked out perfectly. You can add them inside though for a cute and fun surprise. Just know they will not be hanging around very long!

Chef’s Tip-

Here is my time saving hack. When you are regularly making these they will call for a round candy mold. You pour chocolate into both side and then let it harden. You fill the one side and then you need to connect both sides and try and best hid the seam.

Well, I used round ice cube trays instead of round candy molds. I used the silicone ones, which you can get almost anywhere. I got mine at my local Jewel. My mold makes 6 at a time. I used a plastic piping bag to fill the mold, then flipped it upside down over the bowl of chocolate to let it drain out of the small hole at the top. Then I stuck them in the freezer and let them harder.

After they were solid I un-molded them. They were a whole sphere, no connecting and hiding a seam later. I took a small funnel that fit in the top hole and filled it with the hot cocoa mix. Then I just needed to fill the tiny hole with chocolate to seal. I took my piping bag again and squeezed a small amount of chocolate into the small hole and let it harder. Boom, hot cocoa bombs that have no seam and look amazing!

What you will need to make your hot cocoa bombs

-silicone round ice cube tray

-chocolate, either candy melts or good melting chocolate

-hot cocoa mix


-cute mug

-taste testers!

Hot Cocoa Bombs

These are super fun and if you use my quick hack, super simple as well. Just remember don't overheat your chocolate or you will have a clumpy mess. If that happens, you can use some oil to smooth it out. ENJOY!
Course Drinks
Cuisine American


  • Equipment
  • Silicone round ice cube tray


  • 2 cups melting chocolate or candy melts
  • 6 tablespoons hot cocoa mix
  • 6 tablespoons marshmallows
  • 1/2 cup white melting chocolate


  • Heat the chocolate over a double boiler. This can be done in the microwave, but I find that when you do it over a double boiler you get a smoother product with less chance of overheating.
  • Pour the chocolate into a plastic piping bag. Cut the very tip off, but keep the whole very small.
  • Place the tip into the hole on the top of the ice cube mold. Fill with chocolate and repeat on all of the other holes in the mold.
  • Make sure the top is on tightly and flip the mold over and drain out of the top hole back into the bowl with the melted chocolate. Place the mold into the freezer for about 30 minutes to an hour or up to over night.
  • Remove the molds from the freezer and carefully un-mold them.
  • Place a small funnel into the top of the hole and fill with the hot cocoa mix.
  • Take your piping bag with melted chocolate and lightly fill the top of the small hole to close the circle completely. Let it dry for a few minutes or stick it back into the freezer.
  • Melt your white chocolate and drizzle over the top of the bombs. I also sprinkled some black onyx chocolate sugar over mine. You can use sanding sugar or nothing is fine too
  • **If you would like to add marshmallows into the bombs, you can gently make the top hole large enough to fit the marshmallows into the hole. Then instead of filling the hole to seal it, lightly dab some chocolate with a spoon over the hole and seal it that way. ENJOY!
Keyword dessert, hot cocoa bombs



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I am Chef Steph, aka The Happy Chef Mama. I am a pofessional chef and mama of three littles. I am a recipe creator, executive chef, busy mama, full of energy lady! I love to share my recipes, pro chef tips, kiddos and life with you here on my corner of the web.

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