Happy Baby Chefs

Hello, hello mamas! This section was just such a natural progression on the blog for me. I am in baby mania right now with my little guy. He is just 5 months old and has just started oatmeal. I am getting ready to think about purees. Then I thought why not share them with my chef mamas!

I made all of the baby food for both of my girls, (even when I was working more than full time)! So, this time I am only working part time and so there is no excuses! HAHA! I really do honestly love it though.

Why homemade over store bought?

I am not in any way shape or form saying that store bought baby food is bad. I used to buy some for when we were going out places. Yet now there is so many ways to make it and jar it or pouch it yourself.

There are many benefits of making your own baby food. It is generally more nutritious, as well as tastier. Especially if you make it as in these recipes, only whole foods and nothing processed.

Homemade baby food is also cheaper than store bought. You can make it in bulk, freeze it and easily store it. Lastly, you can control what ingredients are going into the food.

I don’t have time to make it versus buy!

I know that you may be thinking that you do NOT have the time to make your own baby food. Like really, who has time for that! LOL I am telling you though, I did this for both of my girls while I was working full time, plus.

The best way to do it is to get a few things to make your life easier and knock it out on a Sunday morning or afternoon. It will not take you long to do a few different flavors at a time. Then you can freeze them and bag them. You then have enough for a week, two weeks or even three weeks at a time.

What do I need to make it myself?

So, when I was a first-time mom, I had the fancy baby food maker. I used that for my first daughter and then halfway through making the food for my second daughter. Well, I literally burned the motor out of it!

I will give you a recommendation for the fancy schmancy baby food maker, but I will also say this… if you have a Vitamix or good quality blender; You are all set. Get a steamer basket for your large pot and a good quality blender, which will last you well after the kiddos grow out of baby food stage. You will be good to go!

These are the items that you will need to make and store your baby food and make your life easier.

These are the main items I recommend for making your own baby food. These items will make things a lot simpler for you.


Chef’s Tips-

I always try and remember when I am making baby food that it of course needs to be simple, but also needs to have flavor. Nobody, even your little ones, want to eat anything that is completely bland and blah. So, even though they cannot handle much spice or salt, you can experiment with certain spices and fresh herbs in your mixtures. This may help make trying new things a little easier for everyone!