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Focaccia Pugliese (focaccia with potato flakes)

Focaccia bread is one of those things that everyone loves, but not many people know where to start on how to make it. To be completely honest, I got my first focaccia bread recipe from my  Italian mother in law. I went to her house and made it with her so that I could measure. Because like any good Italian Nonna, there are not measurements with the recipes.

I have been working on making it my own for the past 10 years. Truly. That is how long it has taken me to get the recipe that I call  my focaccia recipe. In the beginning, I made it exactly how she showed me. It is an absolutely delicious recipe and did not need any changing. Yet, the chef in me couldn’t help myself. I wanted to make it my own.

So, I did! I like to use potato flakes in mine. That is how she showed me as well. I also use a slightly different blend of the flours. Lastly, I like to slowly cook down the tomatoes a little before I add them to the top. I am not a raw tomato person, so I like it this way a little better.

What makes this Focaccia Pugliese style?

The addition of the potato flakes in here, plus the tomato topping are what make this focaccia Pugliese style. There is also Barese style which has potato and is usually topped with fresh tomatoes and olives. Then you have all different versions from around Italy and here in America.

Some people top it simple with salt, fresh herbs or dried herbs. Others get very creative and put a whole garden seen on top for a beautiful aesthetic look. This is my favorite version, but once you know the dough, you can get creative with the toppings.

What is in this Focaccia Pugliese recipe?

“00” flour-This refers to the milling of the flour. 00 flour is the finest mill you can get on a flour. Why do you want to use this flour? Well, when you are making breads or pizza dough, you use 00 flour to give you a nice light and crisp dough. It helps with how the liquid is absorbed.

Semolina flour-This is a durum wheat flour, which is a hard wheat flour. My favorite to use here is “semolina rimacinata” which is twice milled semolina. It is a more course, almost sand like texture and will give your dough strength and a crisp exterior. All while helping give that chewy interior you are looking for in a good focaccia.

Yeast-I use active dry yeast so I use warm water and bloom it first. You an sub out fresh yeast, but it is harder to find and more expensive. You can also use instant yeast here and then you don’t need warm water.

Sugar- I always use a little sugar when I am using yeast to help better activate it.

Potato Flakes- You can use actual baked potatoes in your dough. That would be more Barese style dough. I love using the flakes as they are less work ahead of time and I love the texture they give to the dough

Butter- I use a little butter in my dough. A trick I learned from my mother in law that I really like. It helps give a nice flakiness to your dough.

Olive oil- Olive oil offers flavor as well as helps crisp the outside of this dough. You will use a good amount in the pan and on top as well as a little bit in the dough.

What about the top?

I love the top to be almost chunky sauce like. I love how the thinner sauce gets charred and the thicker chunks slow cook. It is a great contrast in flavor. I also love a little dried oregano on top.

You can also get creative here and do whatever toppings you like. Caramelized onions with some fresh thyme are also fabulous on focaccia. Have fun with it.

Chef’s Tips-

My biggest tip for this dough is that if it is sticky, it is correct. It took me a long time to realize that. This should be a sticky and elastic dough. Different from pizza dough, you want that stickiness to help the chewy inside.

Also, if you can make it the night before, do it. When you leave this dough to slow ferment versus quick rise and punch down; you will get a deeper flavor and a better final product.

Focaccia Pugliese (with potato flakes)

This focaccia has become a labor of love for me. It took me a long time to put my own stamp on it and say this is my focaccia recipe. I am so glad I worked on making it great, because it really is. I hope you and your family enjoy it for years to come as well.


  • Ingredients
  • 1 lb 00 flour
  • 1 cup Semolina flour
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons kosher salt
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter softened
  • 4 teaspoons yeast dissolved in 1 cup warm water
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1/2 cup potato flakes
  • 1/2-3/4 cup warm water to dissolve the potato flakes
  • Plus 1/2-3/4 cup warm water to add to dough after potato mixture as needed
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil plus more for the pan and the top


  • You can do this in a stand mixer. Add in both flours and mix together with a dough hook. In a cup dissolve the yeast with the warm water and sugar. Let it bloom 5-8 minutes until foamy.
  • In a separate cup, add the potato flakes to their warm water and let them fluff up.
  • Add the butter in small chunks at a time into the flour and mix. Slowly drizzle in the yeast mixture. Mix until shaggy dough forms.
  • Then add in the potato mixture and olive oil. Then if the dough is dry drizzle in up to 12/-3/4 of a cup of warm water. Mix the dough until it all comes together as a sticky dough. This will be sticky, but not too sticky to where you cannot handle it.
  • Pour the dough out onto a floured surface and knead the dough 8-10 minutes until the dough is still sticky, but smooth. Put the dough in a lightly oiled bowl and cover with plastic wrap or a kitchen towel and let it rise for about 1-2 hours or until it is doubled in size. Then gently remove it from the bowl onto a lightly floured surface, without punching it down too much. Knead it again for about 5-8 minutes or until it is smooth, but still slightly sticky.
  • Place it back into the lightly oiled bowl or in an air tight container and cover with plastic wrap or the lid for the container. Let it sit in the fridge for 12-24 hours. Remove it to the counter about 2 hours before you want to use it. Let it come to room temp.
  • Oil your baking pan with a good amount of olive oil and then place the dough into the pan. This dough will make 1 large or 2 medium or several mini focaccia breads. Place the dough into your pan and spread it out with your hands to fit the pan.
  • Cover lightly with a kitchen towel and allow to rest for about 20-30 minutes. In the meantime, if you are making the topping as I do, you can make that now.
  • -1-2 tablespoons olive oil
  • -1 clove garlic, minced
  • -1 small can whole peeled cherry
  • -Kosher salt and Freshly cracked black pepper
  • Preheat oven to 440 degrees. Heat a medium skillet and add the olive oil. Add the minced garlic and cook until fragrant. Add in the tomatoes and season with salt and pepper. Cook down on low heat until the tomatoes start to soften and a thick chunky sauce forms. You still want large chunks or even whole tomatoes. So, don't break them up too much.
  • Uncover the focaccia and drizzle heavily with olive oil. Dimple the dough with your fingertips. Add the toppings or the sauce topping that you made. Dust with dried oregano and sprinkle with extra kosher salt.
  • Bake for about 20-25 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from the oven and let cool in the pans. ENJOY!