Restaurant Reviews
These are restaurants I love. I usually will never write a bad review about a restaurant. Especially since I am in the business. I do not like to shame or put down any restaurant. So, I usually use the old adage of, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Which basically means you will not see any restaurants on here that I have had a bad experience at or an undesirable experience. However, I will always be honest about what I liked most and what I maybe did not care for, if anything. It will not just be all, I loved everything... unless I really did!
Birthday Dinner for the Hubby
We are always looking for awesome restaurants that we can have amazing food at and the girls will have great choices to pick from too. We don’t just like going to your typical chain spots because we have the kiddos with us. Nothing against those spots, we all know they are great at times. Yet, we love getting out to places that we would go on a date night, but that the girls are welcomed too! Last year my sister in law told us about an awesome Italian style pizza place. My hubby is always on the look out for great wood fired pizzas and she gave us a fabulous recommendation that…
Revival Food Hall
So the one really fun thing about the fact that my husband and I both work in the city is that every once in a while, we can sneak away and grab a quick lunch date. We don’t often get out without the girls, which I know all of you fellow Mama’s and Papa’s out there get that. So, when we can get the chance to grab a bite to eat and have some adult conversation, we jump at the chance. One of the places that we like to sneak away to is called Revival Food Hall. I feel like I need to say this quietly as they are pretty much direct competition…
Anniversary Dinner
A couple of weeks ago my hubby and I went out and celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary. We wanted to go somewhere that we had never been to together and somewhere special and nicer than usual. We chose to go to The Capital Grille in Lombard, which I have been to and he had not. We could not have asked for a better dinner or a better experience. We truly felt like we got out and went back in time to when we were dating before marriage and kids and real responsibilities! We got to just enjoy each others company with amazing food and incredible service. When we arrived they had a “Happy…
Tennessee Trip
So, this is a few weeks late, but we took a trip to Tennessee for Easter this year. At first, I was like ummm… how are we going to make this work? An 8 hour drive with two little ones under two! Yet, to my surprise it went extremely well. The girls were absolutely great the whole drive and we had no major meltdowns. Even though it took more like 10 and a half hours!! It was well worth it. We got to have the family all together for Easter and my mom’s birthday and we really got to do a lot in our short time there. I want to share with you…
Birthday Dinner for all
My mom wanted to take my husband and I out for our birthdays. Our birthdays are 13 days apart and we enjoy celebrating them together. We wanted to go somewhere that we hadn’t been before. We had been hearing really great things about this place in Roselle called 1913 and we thought it would be the perfect time to try it. I was wondering why “1913”? So, I did some research before we went and the website says it is named for the building that houses the restaurant that was built 105 years ago with the original floors and exposed bricks. How neat, I thought and it really was. It is a beautiful…
Pizza with a friend
I am lucky that I get to get out at least once a month or so with my oldest and deerest friend. Sometimes we do it up really nice and other times we just want some of our old favorites that we absolutely love. Well, last week we finally had a chance to make it out to dinner for a belated birthday dinner for her and a chance to have our catch up session. I adore her and I love our time together and as we get older and we have husbands and kids and jobs, it just gets harder and harder to see each other. So, I am so glad when our…