• Blog Posts,  Cocktails,  Drinks,  Happy Little Chefs,  Recipes

    Nutella Hot Cocoa

    Who else is ready to cozy up with a mug of Nutella hot cocoa?       The weather outside is frightful… is not just for a holiday song! If you are in the Chicagoland area, it is about to get very wintery. We are settling in for a snowy, rainy week here in Chicagoland. If you live in other wintery areas, hopefully you have not experienced too much “nasty” winter weather yet? If you have though, or if you are getting ready for it, get your favorite mug and get cozy with this amazing Nutella hot cocoa. This Nutella hot cocoa is so rich and so creamy, you will never want “regular”…

  • Blog Posts,  Cocktails,  Drinks,  Recipes

    Frozen Strawberry Margaritas

    Oh yes, Frozen Strawberry Margaritas, I said it! I do not post many drink recipes on here. Which, now that I think of it, I am wondering why? I love a good cocktail whether it is at a trendy restaurant or in my backyard with the fire pit on and summer breeze. Face it, we all need a great cocktail once in a while, right? So, I figured, why not share a great cocktail that is simple and easy to make and is perfect for a hot day. This is also a great cocktail to make for a party because you can make a big batch and put it out in a pitcher.…

  • Blog Posts,  Desserts,  Drinks,  Recipes

    Homemade Pumkpin Spice

    This has been the craze for the past few years thanks to the Starbuck’s Pumpkin Spiced latte. Now, I am not a big pumpkin fan, but I am a big pumpkin spice fan. As there is actually no pumpkin in it at all! It is just the spices that you would find in say pumpkin pie or pumpkin muffins. It is a great blend of spices and super simple to make. What can you put Pumpkin Spice in besides lattes? Pumpkin spice is great for making all of the following desserts and even drinks. It is not just for lattes, however, it is pretty good in them too! Lattes or into your coffee…

  • Blog Posts,  Desserts,  Drinks,  Happy Little Chefs,  Recipes

    Homemade Hot Cocoa Bombs

    Ok, so there seems to be a new trend popping up every month. Mainly I believe due to Tik Tok, but also as more and more people are home and cooking a lot more! I think it is great and these are always so fun to try. Some are better than others, but I think that hot cocoa bombs are fun and delish! A little on on the rich side, but yummy chocolaty goodness is never a bad thing in my opinion. Now, I think that many people would rather purchase an item like this than make it. Just for the sheer fact that chocolate can be tricky, who has the time and…

  • Blog Posts,  Drinks,  Happy Little Chefs,  Recipes

    Homemade Apple Cider

    So, if you have been following the blog, you know that we went apple picking last weekend. We have been enjoying orchard fresh apples all week. I made apple crisp stuffed apples, a few pans of apple slices, bourbon caramel apple ice cream and the girls and I have been eating apples for snack all week. They are actually the perfect size for the snacks for the little ones without having any leftover. I was looking at the bowl on Friday and realized we still had a couple dozen apples left. I wanted to make sure that we used them all up before they went bad. While trying to think of the best…