• Blog Posts,  Desserts,  Recipes

    Cookie Delivery… yes please!!

    I have been trying hard to stay connected in these crazy times. I think we are all doing our best to stay connected and keep each other going. I think if we all use our strengths and loves to keep each other going we all will be able to come together and offer others enough to keep going. My mom is making masks as she is great at sewing and crafting. My mother in law keeps bringing us the most amazing Italian bread as she is perfecting her recipe. We love to be the taste testers. I have friends and family who have brought us gifts and toys for the girls, because lets…

  • Blog Posts,  Desserts,  Recipes

    Nutella Cookies

    We are all trying to think of ways to keep busy and make our friends and family smile during this difficult time. A couple of weeks ago I wanted to make some cookies and have the girls make some pictures and we delivered them to some of our family. My oldest daughter had so much fun making the pictures and I had a blast really getting back in the kitchen and getting these cookies all done to go deliver them. I made two different types of Nutella cookies. I made Nutella stuffed chocolate chip cookies and I made Nutella filled sugar cookies. They are both super simple and super delicious. Everyone is still…

  • Desserts,  Entertaining Tips and Tricks,  Recipes

    Michelle Bernstein Dinner

    I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to cook alongside an amazing chef. Chef Michelle Bernstein is a James Beard Award winning chef with many years of experience in and around this industry. She is a master at what she does and she is one of the most humble and kind chefs that I have ever had the pleasure of working with. A few years back we did an MCC demo with her and that is when I met her for the first time. She was amazingly gracious and warm then as well. I was very excited when I learned that we would have the opportunity to execute a private wine dinner…

  • Blog Posts,  Desserts,  Happy Little Chefs,  Recipes

    Holiday Sugar Cookies

    You’re probably saying, really Chef Steph, there are so many different  recipes for sugar cookies out there. Yes, I know there are, but here is one more! Why, you ask… because these are amazing cookie recipes that parents and kiddos will all love. Not only just that, but these are all going to be cookies that can also be given as gifts. I absolutely love homemade gifts for the holidays. Let’s face it the older we get the less materialistic items we needs others to buy us, right? I mean if you are anything like me, if you want something you go buy it. Or save up and go buy it. So, how…

  • Blog Posts,  Desserts,  Main Dishes,  Recipes,  Side Dishes

    Zucchini Madness!!

    This year we had a “mini” garden that my father in law planted for us of Italian cucumbers, basil and parsley. So, really not much in the way of having way too much of anything. We ended up with a nice amount of cucumbers. We had plenty to enjoy and even enough to share the love with family. We did get a ton of basil and it is amazing basil; Large leaves, beautiful color, smell and flavor. I brought a few bags to work and we were able to utilize a lot of it there and everyone loved it! Yet, we will need to use some up for the end of the year…

  • Blog Posts,  Desserts,  Entertaining Tips and Tricks,  Recipes

    Delicious, Simple Summer dessert

    This is a favorite of mine and I make it at work all the time for events. All of my customers love it and request it when they are returning for events. I had to share it as I was making it at work today, I thought since everyone loves this one so much, get the recipe out there. It is so simple and it is a great way to use up those extra summer berries before they go bad. Especially because this recipe is perfect for those berries that are right on the edge. They release their juices and make such a yummy, gooey filling. I used raspberries, blueberries and strawberries in…