Grilled Fruit Bruschetta
This is going to become your go to Summer dessert! It is simple, delicious and best part is you can use whatever fruit you have on hand. You can even use fruit that is about to go bad and you need to use it up quick. The whole family will love this dessert. Bread or Pound Cake? In every recipe I have ever seen for any kind of fruit bruschetta, they are still using Italian bread or some type of crusty bread for the crostini. I am sure it wonderful, however, I wanted something that was more dessert-like than just still using regular crostini. So, I use pound cake in mine. Pound cake…
Buttercream Frosting
Here is a perfect, simple buttercream frosting that you will use again and again for so many different things. It speaks for itself! Chef’s Tip- Make sure that your butter is room temperature. It will make a huge difference to have soft, ready to go butter This is the easiest buttercream frosting that is not too ridiculously sweet and can be dyed easily without those oil marks in the coloring. You will use this for so many different things.
Homemade Play dough
When you have little ones at home, play dough is a must! The little jars however, can get messy and be all over the house. Also, if it drys out, that is a waste of money and you will constantly be buying more and more of it! When you make it yourself you can store it out of the way of everything and even where the little ones can find it. You don’t have to worry as much if they eat more than they play with. You can whip it up super quick and it last minute if you find yourself stuck inside on a rainy day. This is a great activity for…
Happy Little Chefs Subscription
If you have kids than you need to subscribe for these specific emails. This is a great way to get recipes and activities to make and do with the kids today! Getting kids in the kitchen at an early age is so super important. Not only does it get you in the kitchen with them spending some amazing quality time, but it teaches them wonderful life lessons. Sign up for emails today! https://sunny-originator-4322.ck.page/79d5a4a563
Nutella Stuffed Croissant French Toast
Are you looking for a quick and easy breakfast recipe that can be made the night before? If so, this is it. We are all busy, even in times of quarantine. We still have the kids, the house and everything else to take care of and keep us running around. The best way to make a delicious and comforting breakfast is to make it before you go to bed the night before. Why French Toast Casseroles? These are super simple, feed your whole family and can be made ahead. What can be wrong with made ahead, ummm… nothing! This will save you time in the morning and get an amazing breakfast on the…
Incredible White Chocolate Blondies
My husband and I had our first date at the White Chocolate Grill restaurant. It is the perfect restaurant for me because I am a huge white chocolate fan! So, I had a white chocolate martini and they have really amazing food as well as desserts. So, we had wonderful steaks and sides, but the absolute most memorable thing, besides the company, of course was the dessert. We shared a giant white chocolate and walnut blondie that was served warm with vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce. That was almost 9 years ago and we still talk about how amazing it was. So, when I was thinking about our anniversary dinner and what…
Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookies
These may just be the most perfect cookie! My absolute favorite flavor combination is salty and sweet. I am a total sucker for sea salt caramel and then when it is with chocolate, well, forget about it. There is nothing better! Traditional Chocolate Chip cookies I cannot get enough of traditional homemade chocolate chip cookies. I am not even much of a sweet tooth, as you may notice from the blog, there are a lot more savory dishes than sweet. I much prefer salty to sweet, even when it comes to snacks. However, my true weakness is cookies!!! I cannot pass up a good cookie with milk. It all started with my Oreo…
The BEST pizza dough
This pizza dough is awesome and simple. This dough is a “young” dough and perfect if you do not have a long time to ferment your dough. It is the best dough for individual pizzas that you make in a “wood oven” or on a stone. Also, this is perfect to roll out and make a sheet pan pizza. This is a light, crispy chewy dough. It is easy enough that the older kids can make it themselves and the younger kids can make it with you. It rises in about an hour, to an hour and a half so you are not taking forever. Why are homemade pizzas so great at home?…
The Fluffiest pancakes ever!
Last Sunday for Breakfast with the Monti’s I made homemade pancakes for breakfast. I made them in the shape of Emoji pancakes, because, why not and how cute!! Yet, they would have been amazing as regularly shaped pancakes as well. I switched up my regular recipe just a bit and they were amazingly fluffy!! These were the fluffiest pancakes I have ever made! They are perfect for the kiddos to make and/or help you make! These pancakes would be amazing with some add ins as well. Let the kiddos get creative. They would be awesome with blueberries, chocolate chips, bananas or strawberries. They would be great with peanut butter or nutella or just…
Holiday Sugar Cookies
You’re probably saying, really Chef Steph, there are so many different recipes for sugar cookies out there. Yes, I know there are, but here is one more! Why, you ask… because these are amazing cookie recipes that parents and kiddos will all love. Not only just that, but these are all going to be cookies that can also be given as gifts. I absolutely love homemade gifts for the holidays. Let’s face it the older we get the less materialistic items we needs others to buy us, right? I mean if you are anything like me, if you want something you go buy it. Or save up and go buy it. So, how…